NAEYC, the National Association for the Education of Young Children, is the largest advocacy group for early childhood education in the country. They are the leading professional association for early childhood education. They promote high-quality education for all children, from birth to age 8. This age is crucial to a child’s emotional, psychological, and intellectual development, and NAEYC supports the highest education possible for children of these ages. NAEYC connects practice, policy, and research to best understand the workings of the young mind and help children flourish intellectually.
NAEYC is dedicated to understanding young children, how they develop and learn. Through research, NAEYC delves deeper into the scientific pathways of the young mind, and how science, math, and language work together. NAEYC publishes its work in journals, magazines, books, and in digital media. These publications focus mainly on developmentally appropriate practice in teaching children. In addition to the children themselves, the association proudly supports all those who care for and educate children. Many of our teachers attend NAEYC conferences, in order to learn more about early childhood education and developmentally appropriate practice.
NAEYC accreditation is a rigorous process, and we are proud to show our shared commitment to high-quality early childhood education.