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Learn about Free PreK opportunities in Ward 3

Date and Time:

Saturday, April 1, 2023 at 10:45 am - 11:30 am

Did you know that the DC government partners with private preschools in your neighborhood to provide free PreK 3 and PreK 4 programs?CommuniKids Language Immersion Preschool is the first and largest provider of PreK 3 in Ward 3. CommuniKids participates in the DC PreK Enhancement and Expansion Program (PKEEP), and has provided free preschool to hundreds of children in Ward 3 over the past six years. Our high quality preschool program allows three and four-year old residents of the District of Columbia to attend our award-winning Spanish, French and Mandarin programs at no cost! CommuniKids has created a way for families to provide the gift of multilingualism in the most time and cost effective way. CommuniKids Preschool allows students to become multilingual while developing the skills they will need to be ready for kindergarten. Our world is becoming increasingly interconnected. As such, it is imperative for our children to be able to communicate in multiple languages. CommuniKids’ mission is to promote multilingualism for our next generation in early childhood.

Join us April 1, 2023 to find out all you need to know about free PreK, how CommuniKids promotes multilingualism in young children, and how you may take advantage of this wonderful DC government program to provide Free Language Immersion Preschool to your child.

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Learn about Free PreK opportunities in Ward 3


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